Paracel's inorganic and wet chemistry labs complement our organic capability. Analytical capabilities range from metals by ICP-MS, major ions, nutrients series, demand series, and conventional chemistries. We have packages in place to meet a wide range of environmental criteria for surface and ground waters, various municipal sewer use by-laws, waste classifications, and assessments of contaminated sites.
Our most common analysis requests include:
- Anions – Br, Cl, F, NO2, NO3, PO4 by IC
- Metals – HWB, Cr6+, Hg by CVAA, metals by ICP/MS
- Conventionals – alkalinity, NH4, TKN, BOD, COD, chlorine, colour, EC, free CN, DOC/TOC, pH, phenols (4AAP), TSS/TDS, sulphide, TP, turbidity